When something hurts a relationship, an honest apology can help it get better. Write an apology that really hits home with your partner. This can help you mend the relationship. How can you be sure that your apology has the emotional weight it needs to really move her? Today we’re going to teach you how to say sorry in a way that makes her feel bad and might even make her cry. We’ll also show you how to add funny parts to keep the tone even.
Saying sorry is more than just words; it’s a way to start healing and trusting each other again. An honest apology recognizes the harm done and promises to make things right. It’s a chance to say you’re sorry and show that you care about the relationship enough to ask for forgiveness.
100+ Sorry Messages to Make Her Cry
1. Believe it or not, I do make mistakes. But I’m so grateful that you are here to help me get better and become the best person I can be.
2. It doesn’t matter what happens; you will always be my first priority. Are you going to forgive me for what I did?
3. My message would get very long if I started to tell you how bad I feel. To make a long story short, I’m sorry, sweetheart.
4. I’m sorry I hurt you so much; having you sad breaks my heart.
5. I thought I could keep my promise, but when the time came, I didn’t. Sorry from the bottom of my heart. Please give me another chance because you are very important to me.
6. I understand I made a mistake, but I’m ready to do anything to fix it. I’m sorry for what I did, and I promise to be a better husband from now on. My life, I love you.
7. I think we can figure this out because we are both strong-willed and have our own ideas. Dear partner, please forgive me.
8. I feel terrible that I hurt you so much, sweet wife. I want to be your hero once more. Please forgive me.
9. I’m sorry for making you sad. I feel bad that I made you question my motives. Please forgive me, sweetheart.
10. Please give me a chance to make things right with you. I know what I did wrong and I’m going to do better next time. Please let me show you how I’m taking steps to become a better man.
11. I promise I will make up for what I did in the past, but the past is the past. I’m really sorry.
12. Trust is what connects two hearts, and it was this trust that I damaged yesterday with my mean words. I’m sorry for being rude. I promise that I will work hard not to let comments like that hurt our relationship.
13. The smile on your face makes my day better. I’m sorry that I caused you to give up.
14. Dear, For what I did last night, I’m sorry. Please forgive me and give me a chance to make things right.
15. Chocolates might make your tongue taste sweet, but they might not be able to heal a broken heart. Still, this gift is my way of saying sorry for being so mean.
16. Please forgive me, sweetheart. Even though I looked bored and tired from work, I had no idea how happy you were to see me yesterday. Let me make things right with you and give you something to remember.
17. I know I let you down, and my heart feels empty and guilty right now. If you forgive me, my dear, could you fill the void?
18. I come to you, my beloved wife, in a humble way to make up for the times I have let you down. I promise to give you twice as much happiness and peace as I have taken away from you. Get rid of the past.
19. Babe, I know that once you say something, you can’t take it back. Still, I wish I hadn’t said those things. I’m really sorry, could you forgive me?
20. Baby, you are the key to my heart. I feel so lost without you. I’m sorry for how I came off, please come back.
21. Hi, my dear I know that your anger is justified. Please let it go, though, and listen to the beats of my sad heart.
22. I promise to give you twice as much happiness and peace as I have taken away from you. Get rid of the past.
23. You are my fate, but the way I’ve been acting has shown you no respect. Please forgive me.
24. If I can’t fix this, nothing is right in the world. Could you please give me another chance to improve myself? I’m truly sorry, my dear.
25. Some mess ups were not really meant to be made. I’m sorry for the mistakes I made.
26. You are the most important thing in my life, my love. I’m sorry I hurt you so much!
27. You are the best mother my child could have ever had, my dear. Sorry I asked if you were being honest. I promise I will never do that again.
28. How could I have been so careless, my sweet angel? Please give me a chance to fix what I broke. I’m sorry, my dear wife. Please forgive me.
29. You’re a great wife with a big heart. It hurts to be without you. I ask that you forgive me and take me back into your heart.
30. In my heart, guilt weighs heavy because I can’t forgive myself for what I did. But my heart also wants the comfort that can only come from forgiving you. I’m sorry.
31. You are the most important person in my life, and I’m so sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry I’m such a bad person.
32. Honey, I hope that these actions and reactions don’t end our marriage. Let our love last through the trouble and come back stronger. I’m sorry I caused you pain.
33. Hi there, I promised you a lot of things on our wedding day, but I haven’t kept them. I’m sorry for what I did, please forgive me.
34. Dear, I’m glad you’re in my life. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I’m sorry we had to cancel our plans. Please forgive me!
35. I’m sorry I couldn’t stand tall in your eyes. I really want to see you with a smile on your face, and I promise to be the man you’ve always wanted me to be.
36. I’m sorry I hurt you, baby. I didn’t mean to be so heartless. I feel so bad about what I did that it’s overwhelming. Please forgive me, because I’m a lost man without your love, like a king without his queen.
37. Being away from you, my wife, for even a second hurts my heart like a knife. Since I can’t stand being alone, kindly accept my apology.
38. My heart and home feel empty without your laughter, sweetheart. That made me realize how much you meant to me: I miss you very much. I’m really sorry for everything I did. Please give me a chance to tell you how I feel.
39. It’s not easy to forgive someone, but I’m asking you to forgive me today. I understand that I messed up. Let me make things right with you.
40. To stand your wife up on a date is a terrible thing to do, and I have done it. Please think of me as guilty and give me a date tonight to make up for my mistake. I’m sorry!
41. To stand your wife up on a date is a terrible thing to do, and I have done it. Please think of me as guilty and give me a date tonight to make up for my mistake. I’m sorry!
42. Every time I see you sad, I think of all the good times we’ve had together. I’m really sorry, kid.
43. When someone says sorry, they mean it from the bottom of their heart, not their ears. Just put your hand on my heart and feel it cry out in regret. I love you.
44. My love, my life has lost its shine because of the eclipse of fear and doubt over your love. I’m sorry I let you down so badly. Please forgive me.
45. My music and paintings are empty without you. Please forgive me for what I did because I was weak.
46. Hi, What I said keeps coming back to me. There is no amount of guilt that can bring back the tears that have run from your eyes or mend your broken heart. Please forgive me, queen of my heart.
47. I will always remember how painful it was to see tears in your eyes. I feel terrible about what I did, and I hope you can forgive me. I’m really sorry.
48. Lies are lies, no matter how big or small they are. I feel bad that I made you cry. I’m sorry for what I did and understand how it hurt others. I want to be the man you deserve, so please give me another chance.
49. When I said things that hurt you, I’m truly sorry. I feel terrible about what I did because I didn’t think it through. I’m really sorry, love.
50. It’s okay, I’m sorry I hurt you. I want to make things right again. Hi sweetheart, I’m truly sorry for what I did.
51. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me the most. I’m sorry I let you down. Allow me a chance to make things right with you.
52. There are no limits to how sorry and guilty I feel. You have no idea how much I miss you. I did what I did without knowing it. My queen, all I ask is for a chance to show you how good I am.
53. I’m more ashamed of who I have become than of what I did. I’m sorry, and I promise you’ll see the best of me soon.
54. Your love and kindness are the only things that can free my heart from grief. I’m sorry, sweetheart. I love you.
55. I’m sorry I made you cry. I hate seeing you cry. I’m ready to do anything to win back your love and trust.
56. You’re my rock and my angel, honey. I’m sorry that I made you doubt my promise. I’m sorry I’m not the husband you want. I’m going to do better.
57. I don’t want to ever see my princess sad again. I’m sorry for how I made you feel. Let’s forget about this and think about the wonderful future we can have together.
58. I’m sorry for telling you what to do, sweetheart. It’s my job to keep you safe, and I will do it with all my heart. But I need to learn how to do it in a way that shows respect for you. Please show me how.
59. Let me show you that you are the most important thing in my life. I’m sorry and I love you.
60. Hey partner, you’ve always been the more grown-up one of us. I hope you’ll forgive me so I can keep learning from you.
61. Thank you for the kind words I said. I’m sorry I made you cry. I miss the way you laughed and smiled. I promise to be more thoughtful from now on.
62. Sorry I wasn’t the best man in your life. I know I could have been. But giving up isn’t always the end. Please give me another chance.
63. Here’s what you need to know about how I act when I’m mad. There’s nothing better in my life than meeting you. I’m sorry, honey.
64. I’m truly sorry for the things I did in the past that hurt you. Please forgive us. It could be the start of a whole new part of our lives. Let’s try this fresh start.
65. I’m sorry for any actions that have hurt our bonds. You are very important to me.
66. Everything I’ve done wrong can’t change how much I love you. You deserve better, I know it. But I still need you to forgive me.
67. As a parent, I should have been there for my kid. I failed. I’ll make it up to you and our child, though. Please forgive me.
68. I miss how happy and funny our family was. Let’s work together to get our family strong and happy again. I’m truly sorry for the things I did that took away these melodies.
69. I’m sorry I let you down. But my mistakes have taught me to love and hold on to the most important person in my life.
70. I still believe in your kind heart and our real love for each other. Sorry, sweetheart.
71. I know we have a great future together, even though we are different, and I can’t go there by myself. Please forgive me, partner for life.
72. I’m sorry that I’m not the kind of partner and dad that you and our kids deserve. You’re a wonderful wife and even better mother. I’m sorry!
73. I never thought about what my careless actions would mean for our sweet family. I want things to be okay again, not just for us but also for our lovely kids. Hi sweetheart, I’m truly sorry for what I did.
74. To the nicest mom ever. I now get why you told our kids to behave themselves. I’m sorry that I got in the way of you and our kids. I love you!
75. I’m sorry I didn’t do more to keep our family happy. I care very much about your happiness as the mother of our children. I’m truly sorry for putting our family first.
76. When it comes to size and depth, I know your heart is bigger than any ocean. Could you forgive me? I feel at home in your love. I need to go home.
77. I know I’m to blame for the fact that your lovely smile has been hidden lately. It’s my fault that I forgot about you. I love you and think you’re a great wife.
78. How could I have been so careless, my sweet angel? Seeing how empty your eyes are breaks my heart. Please let me off the hook and give me a chance to make them shine again.
79. I know I need to do better. I haven’t thought about you because I’ve been too busy with work and other things. Please let me try again. I’m really sorry!
80. I’m truly sorry for all the mistakes I’ve ever made. It wasn’t meant to do that. I love you a lot. Please forgive me.
81. I’m sorry for putting on a bad show lately. Even though I’ve been stressed, that’s not a reason to take it out on you. These bad things shouldn’t happen to you!
82. I’m really sorry I let you down. I know I hurt the people I love the most because I was selfish. I’m really sorry. I’m going to do anything to earn your trust again.
83. Nothing is right when we’re not right. Please forgive me, my lovely wife, so I can make it up to you.
84. I’m sorry I broke the promises I made to you on our wedding day. I’m going to give you everything I have.
85. I’m sorry I let silly things get in the way of our relationship. Give me one more chance because you are my better half. I promise to do better.
86. Dear, I’m sorry for making you feel bad. I know a beautiful woman like you, and I will never hurt you.
87. Dear, I’m sorry for not taking care of my wife as much as I should have. From now on, I promise to be there for you.
88. I know it looked like I wasn’t paying attention to my family, but I’m not giving up on us. Please let me try again. I’m going to be a better husband.
89. I’m sorry I was rude, but I know you’re upset. I ask that you forgive me, and I will make up for what I did wrong.
90. My wife, my heart is empty in front of you, and I know you can feel my pain. I’m sorry I hurt you, and I’ll never do it again.
91. Our marriage is in bad shape because of my bad attitude. Because of what I did, our relationship is now shameful, and I’m truly sorry for that. I hope that time and forgiveness can get rid of it.
92. I feel more and more hopeless every day that you’re not here with me, my wife. I need the strength that being with you gives me.
93. When it comes to these feelings, you’re better than I am. I’m going to stand up so you can understand. I’m sorry I let you down.
94. People like you only come along once in their whole lives. Having you as my wife makes me feel like the luckiest man in the world. I’m sorry I made you feel bad. I’m sorry, and I hope we can both get better.
95. It’s clear that we were meant to be together. Sorry I let my mistake get in the way of us being together.
96. Love, I’m sorry I left you out. It’s wrong that I didn’t show you how much I value you in my life. I love you. Please give me a second chance.
97. Hi there, I said I would be the prince in your fairy tales, but I stole your dreams instead. I am fully responsible for what I did, and I am sorry for any harm I caused.
98. I’m sorry I made you feel like you were less important than my pride. I promise that my love is really bigger than that. I’ll be a better partner after I learn from this. Please forgive me.
99. If you could find it in your heart to give me another chance, I would really appreciate it. I’m truly sorry for the pain I’ve caused you and I promise to do better in the future. My queen, I only think about you.
100. With a hurt heart and a shattered ego, a sad soul and a hunched back. No matter what, I’m sorry to you, my wife. I’m sorry, and I love you.
101. I didn’t think much about all the smiles, laughs, and memories we shared. Because I love them so much, I promise I’ll never do it again. “I’m sorry.”
The happiness in my life has been taken away by regret and sadness. I’m sorry I let you down.
102. Please forgive me for acting like a spoiled brat. I love you. I promise that over time I will become more grown up. Could you please forgive me?
How to Keep the Connection Strong
To keep a strong connection after saying sorry, you need to keep talking, build trust, and share experiences. Show your partner how much you care for them and keep the lines of communication open.
An honest apology can heal and bring people back together. You can show your partner how much you care about her and say you’re sorry in a message that is sincere, personal, and thoughtful. Remember that what you do speaks louder than what you say, so make real efforts to change and strengthen your relationship.